Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hello Again!

Hi everyone! I apologize that it has been forever since I have last posted a blog entry! I have had a lot of exciting things going on, as I have started my own make-up business, AND most importantly, I'm getting married in 23 days! I can't believe it, I am so excited! Anyways, I have decided to start up my blog again and incorporate all aspects of beauty and skincare, ranging from top make-up trends to the new up and coming skincare treatments, as well as the importance of taking care of your skin, as it is the largest organ we have in the human body! I have a range of topics that I am going to cover and write about, however I want to hear what questions you may have! Thank you for reading and keeping up with my blog, please comment and share on topics you may have questions on! Have a wonderful evening!

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